Thursday, September 18, 2008

John Locke and the Enlightenment

The rights that Jefferson is talking about in the Declaration of Independence are: the people have the right to abolish or alter, any form of government that becomes destructive and to institute a new government. In other words, if the people feel that the president or the governor, or the mayor, or someone who is governing them is doing a bad job at it, the people have the right to abolish or destroy that form of government and chose a new one.
When people were created, no one had more rights than the next person. All men are treated equally. The Declaration of Independence supports this by saying that people have the right to life, the people have the right to freedom, and the people have the right to happiness. Everyone is born with these rights.
According to the Declaration of Independence, the government comes from the people. The people chose the ones whom they want to govern them. They chose these individuals by voting.
People have many rights.

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