Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution vs. Creation

Darwins theory of evolution is that everything is related in some way because of natural selection. everything is always changing. whether it be plants, animals, food. everything is changing. Darwins theory talks about how things are still evolving slowly but it works is that a superior species is evolved. the more of that species there is, the inferior species will eventually decline until they are you have a new species for a period of time;but its not long until another species starts to evolve from that species.
The theory of creation rejects the theory of evolution. Creationism is the belief that humanity, life, the earth, and the universe were created by a God. Old earth creationism used geological findings. This is what rejects the theory of evolution.
Personally, i believe that the earth and humanity was created by God. In the Genesis, the bible tells of how God created the heavens and the earth. He also created the animals and plants on the earth and Adam and Eve. As a result, man used the things that God gave us to create other species scientifically. all in all i can say that i do not agree with the theory of evolution.

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