Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

The theory that came first was the geocentric theory. This theory placed the earth at the center of the universe. The heliocentric theory is the theory that the sun is at the center of the solar system. This theory came out of the scientific revolution. The advancements of mathematics and physics, was eventually able to support the heliocentric theory.
The trial of Galileo. A man named Galileo believed that the earth revolved around the sun. This is normal for both you and I to believe because it has been proven, but for the Catholic Church in 1633, this idea was nonsense. Galileo began to develop an interest in the Copernican theory. Sometime during the mid 1590's, Galileo came to the conclusion that the theory Copernicus had was right.After Galileo discovered the telescope, he was able to confirm his belief. Galileo began to tell people of his idea and write about it.

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