Thursday, March 26, 2009

Night and Fog

Night and Fog was very sad. it depressed me because the jews were treated as if they were animals. They were treated terribly by thos ewho felt they were superior to the Jews. They even treated kids the same way they treated adults. It was the worst. showing the dead bodies on the floor with no heads almost made me sick. the film was very powerful. It made me think about everything. It made me think of the things that they used to go through. When people make racist jokes, this is what i think about. Racism is what the holocaust was all about. It compares with the scenes from schindlers list because some of the scenes from this movie was in schindlers list. The documentary portrays the holocaust most effectively. the documentary was in black and white which made me feel like i was there. there were pictures that told the story.this made me feel like it was more realistic because the pictures were actually taken at the camps. i felt like i was there and i felt their pain.

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