Tuesday, February 24, 2009

WWI and The Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the war between Germany and the allied powers. Germany was blamed for the first world war and so the Germans were forced to pay for the suffering that was caused as a result of World War I. They had to accept full responsibility for the war, and they had to spend A LOT of money. 10% of german lands were lost, all of Germany's overseas colonies were taken away, and 12.5% of the German population were living outside of their countries borders. The Germans had payed a high price.
Some of the rules of the Treaty of Versailles were:
-the German army had a 100,000 man limit
-Germany surrendered all colonies
-restricted in size
-germany must pay money or goods to the allies
-had to accept full responsibility for the war
I do not think that this treaty was fair. Germany was blamed for the war when it wasn't really their fault. Now they had to pay a very high price. The price was so high that it messed up Germany as a whole.It screwed over all the people in Germany.I feel bad.
Historians say that the Treaty of Versailles led to the uprising of Adolph Hitler.I think this statement might be true. What Germany was going through brought many people down. They needed a leader to bring them back to their feet. When Adolph Hitler stepped up, the Germans were most vulnerable and they were in need of a leader. At that time, Hitler was the one who could have done so.

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