Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The collapse of communism

The leading powers of the Cold War was the USSR and the US. After world war 2, they started competing. They both had atomic weapons and arms weapons. They competed with each other to the point where it cost both parties a lot of money. but for the USSR, the competition was way too much. Their economy soon collapsed at the high price of competing with the US. Because the USSR collapsed, the communist countries that were associated with it went down also. The collapse of the USSR destroyed many economies around the world. 
The Berlin Wall was a border separating East and West Germany. No one was allowed to cross over to the other side. Those who tried were punished. For 28 years, east and west germany was completely blocked off from each other. In 1989, they decided to make border crossings so that people would be able to travel back and forth between eastern and western germany. some people came at the wall to gather souvenirs and some stormed the wall. On November 9 of that same year, the wall came down.

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