Friday, January 9, 2009

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution started with the February and October Revolutions. The February Revolution was a popular uprisig.the Tsar at that time (Nicholas II) had gotten Russia involved in WWII. Many people were dying as a result of the war.There were many food shortages.Instead of getting the people what they had begged for(food), Nicholas II sent troops to keep people from the violent demonstrations and riots in Petrograd. As a result, Nicholas II was removed from power. Now that there was no king in Russia, a temporary government was put in place. This government proclaimed civil liberties and promised demoratic elections. The October Revolution was the time when the temporary government was overturned, and the Soviet Union was established. the October Revolution was thought up of by a small group of people called the Bolsheviks. they werent very popular and they didnt get much support. They started to over throw the government in April and by October, they were a popular and much larger group. they had built up support in Petrograd and with other urban centers.after october, the Bolsheviks declared themselves the representatives of a dictatorship. As a result, the Russian Civil War broke out in the summer of 1918.

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