Friday, October 10, 2008

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar was a venezuelan, famous for being the liberator of South America. Shortly after Bolivar's wife died, he went to Europe and traveled in France and Italy. During his travels, he studied the philosophies of Rousseau and Locke. On his way back to South America, he stopped in the United States. He organized and led a revolutionary army in order to free South America from the rule of Spain. At first, he lost some of the battles but he eventually won independence for Venezuela. This helped other South American countries such as: Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Bolivia and Peru gain their independence. In the end, Bolivia was named after Simon Bolivar.
In 1822, Bolivar became dictator of Peru. Upper Peru became a separate state named Bolivia, after Bolivar. The Bolivian constitution is one of the most important political pronouncements

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