Thursday, October 16, 2008


Nationalism is the belief that ones loyalty should be towards a nation of people who share a common culture or history. I for one am not nationalistic. I do not watch the olympics and root for America. I do not salute the American flag or have a flag of any nation hanging in my window. I do not sing the National Anthem or God bless America. I do not follow up on the war between America and Iraq. I am not a nationalistic individual.
Nationalim destroyed empires and built up nations. Italy was formed from the territory of the destroyed empires. Austria ruled Venetia, Lombardy, and many other small states in the north. The Spanish Bourbon family ruled the kingdom of the two Sicilies in the south. Between 1815 and 1848, the Italians no longer wanted to live under foreign rulers. Two leaders with different personalities and different goals, each contributed to the unification of Italy, by way of nationalistc views.
Before Italy actually became Italy, this country was broken up into states. Piedmont-Sardinia was the largest and moost powerful of the states.In 1852, the king of Sardinia named Camillo Cavour as its prime minister. Cavour worked very hard in order to expand Sardinia's power.He achieved the expansion of Sardinia's power along with the unification of Italy.In 1866, Venetia became part of Italy.In 1870, the Italian forces took over the Papal states which was the last part of the territory.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar was a venezuelan, famous for being the liberator of South America. Shortly after Bolivar's wife died, he went to Europe and traveled in France and Italy. During his travels, he studied the philosophies of Rousseau and Locke. On his way back to South America, he stopped in the United States. He organized and led a revolutionary army in order to free South America from the rule of Spain. At first, he lost some of the battles but he eventually won independence for Venezuela. This helped other South American countries such as: Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Bolivia and Peru gain their independence. In the end, Bolivia was named after Simon Bolivar.
In 1822, Bolivar became dictator of Peru. Upper Peru became a separate state named Bolivia, after Bolivar. The Bolivian constitution is one of the most important political pronouncements