Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Opium Wars

The Opium war was the worlds very first drug war. Opium is a drug made from poppy seedpods. It was produced in the East Indes and shipped to China by the British merchants. Opium is used to make other drugs such as Heroin, Morphine, Codein and Mescalun. At one time, opium was used as medicine to treat diseases. When the chinese were introduced to mixing opium with tobacco, they began to smoke it. This drug was so powerful that the chinese became badly addicted to it.
After a while, the British merchants didnt have anything to sell to China. China was a self-sufficient country so everything that they needed, they alredy had. In order to keep the tea trade flowing, the British merchants imported opium mixed with tobacco to china. This promoted opium smoking. Many of the chinese smoked this drug and as a result, the chinese population decreased. When the chinese government became aware of the drug, they tried to put an end to it. There were policies against selling opium to smoke. opium smoking houses were banned and shut down. Anyone who sold opium to smoke was either banished or killed. eventhough there were policies against opium, the British still kept selling it to china. Because some of the government officials were greedy, they became part of the illegal opium trade.
Some time had passed and the chinese really became serious about the sale of opium. In more ways than one, they tried to get the British to stop selling opium to China. They wouldnt listen.
an anti-opium campaign was started. Great Britain demanded that the Chinese ended the campaign but they didn't so the Britain's attacked the Chinese. They Chinese were caught by surprise by this attack. Because the Britain's had advanced technology, they won the Opium war.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the moon"

The Europeans faced many hardships as they explored Africa. First the Africans who were with John Speke and Richard Burton had to travel with no shoes. They traveled on rocks and in different forms of percipitation. Second, the europeans had to travel with personal belongings, food and tents for shelter. These things were pretty heavy to carry. Third, they had to travel through the high grass and branches of Africa. They used instruments to chop down the grass and branches in their way. Fourth, they came across tribes who didnt know who they were. They were most facinated by the sight of white men. Fifth, they were robbed by some of the Africans who were at first traveling with them.
Lake Victoria is the third largest lake in the world. It is named after a british Queen. It is strange that Lake Victoria is named after a british Queen because lake Victoria is the source of the Nile River. As we all know, the Nile River is in Africa. This leads me to conclude that Lake Victoria is in Africa. If this large lake is in Africa, why is it named after a british Queen? This very question has me very perplexed.
The Europeans had advanced technology over the African people.One was the magnifying glass and the telescope. When the head of the African tribe was given the magnifying glass, he was looking through it because he had no clue what it was. When he was given the telescope he thought it was a musical instrument. He blew through the telescope which was pretty funny. The piece oif technology that amazed the head of the tribe the most was the gun. He was holding it like it was a precious item. He laughed when he had shot one of the people. He was truly amazed with this weapon.
Eventually, Europeans were able to conquer Africa. They had a great technological advancement. They were able to conquer Africa with their machine guns. The Africans didnt have this advancement in technology. They still had spears and bows and arrows. There was no way that they could fight against the machine guns. For this reason, Africa was taken over by the Europeans.