Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl was known for communism. He had the idea that the workers should be the ones to control factories and farms. He urged the workers to unite and rebel against the landlords in a worldwide revolution. Marx came up with the idea for communism because he didnt like the way the workers were treated. Communism was the idea that workers would share wealth in communist society and that all workers should be treated equal.He started to express his ideas but they were shot down with threats from the authorities. He moved to paris with his wife and began mixing with the working-class. The poverty that he saw was shocking. It was then that he applied the dialect theory to what he saw in Paris. Now Marx considered himself a communist and he argued that the working class would be the emancipators of society. Karl Marx viewed the workers as the good guys and the landlords as the bad guys.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was not in agreement with the Industrial Revolution. He hated the treatment of the workers in Europe and the conditions that they were living in. The European factories were very harsh and unsafe. Marx felt that the workers should be the ones to control the factories. He hated the way everything was before and after the Industrial Revolution. It was a battle of the rich verses the poor.
If it wasnt for Karl Marx' strong dislike for the Industrial Revolution, there would be no communism. Communism in other words is basically a classless society. Marx didnt like the way that the poor people were treated. His a idea for a classless society was a good idea. This would make both the rich and the poor equal.